

英漢字典: up to

l. as far as;up to the present直到現在

    He hasn't seen any elephant up to the present day. 他到現在也沒有見過大象。

    2. doing(usu. sth. wrong);plotting從事于;策劃

    Some people believe those men are spies,but no one knows what they are up to. 有人認為那些人是間諜,但是沒有人知道他們想幹什麼。

    3. dependent on the decision of sb. 由…決定

    It's up to you to decide whether we buy this set of furniture or not. 由你來定我們是否買這套家具。

    4. able to do sth. 適合;勝任

    She is not up to the work assigned to her. 她不勝任所幹的工作。

    I don't feel up to the work. 我覺得自己幹不了這項工作。

    I'm not up to travelling. 我的身體不適合旅行。

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